Nice to meet you.

Where we come from

Both born in the sunny south of France, it’s their common interest for creative advertising that leads the two to meet at ISCOM Montpellier school of advertising. They start as friends and then become a creative team.

A few years and a few internships later, they are hired at Dare.Win in 2015. There, they are trained under the kind and skilled eye of Fabienne Fiorucci and Damien Foui, ‘the DesF’.

That’s how they discover the reality of the creative industry. Through multiple projects with different budgets, mediums and challenges, they get the opportunity to imagine, pitch, execute, lead, and even to be awarded for their ideas.

After this solid training, and after assuming the position of team Creative Lead, Boris decides in 2020 to walk the path of independence.
Thomas will join him a little bit less than a year later.

Since December 2022, they are back at a full-time agency job at mnstr agency.


Art Direction
Social Media



Cristal Gold *1
Cristal Bronze *1
Caples Silver *1

Epica Silver *2
Epica Shortlist *1
Cannes Lions Shortlist *2
CB News #Instahits *1

GP Data & Créativité *1
Chaton d'Or *1
GP Stratégies Bronze *2